Domestic Violence

Domestic violence crosses all ethnic, racial, age, national origin, sexual orientation, religious, and socioeconomic lines. Domestic violence can happen to anybody. In fact, studies suggest that one-fifth to one-third of all women will be physically assaulted by a partner or ex-partner during their lifetime. In heterosexual relationships, 95 percent of all victims are female; and 95 percent of all perpetrators are male. In same-sex relationships, domestic violence happens with the same statistical frequency as in heterosexual relationships.
- Could you be a victim?
- Are you often afraid of your partner?
- Is your partner overly jealous?
- Do you avoid certain topics or spend a lot of time figuring out how to talk about certain topics so that you do not arouse your partner’s anger?
- Do you ever feel that you can’t do anything right for your partner?
Is your partner controlling and won’t let you see your family and friends? - Does your partner insult you?
- Do you sometimes wonder if you are the one who is crazy, that maybe you are overreacting to your partner’s behaviors?
- Do you sometimes fantasize about ways to kill your partner to get him or her out of your life?
- Are you afraid that your partner may try to kill you?
- Do you feel that there is nowhere to turn for help?
- Are you feeling emotionally numb?
- Were you abused as a child, or did you grow up with domestic violence in the household?
- Do you sometimes feel like you deserve to be physically hurt?
- Are you afraid of losing your children and pets if you leave?
Pizzini Law Firm can assist victims of abuse by obtaining an Emergency Protective Order, a Victim’s Protective Order. This can be a difficult process for a victim and we can help. Protection orders are intended by the court to protect you and your family against violent or harassing behavior from your spouse, ex-spouse, a current spouse of your ex-spouse, any blood relatives, adoptive/foster relatives, roommates, former roommates, someone with whom you have had a child with and your current or former significant other.