Parenting Coordinator

What is a Parenting Coordinator?

A parenting coordinator or “PC” is used in high conflict cases to help parties who have difficulty communicating or co-parenting. A parenting coordinator can be selected by agreement or may be appointed spontaneously by a Judge.

What Does a Parenting Coordinator Do?

As a Parenting Coordinator, I help parents work through issues relating to their child/children. A Parenting Coordinator can help parties resolve issues without needing to return to court or have the additional stress and cost of litigation. Each parent can raise issues for the Parenting Coordinator to investigate and the Parenting Coordinator will work to help the parties reach an agreement. The Parenting Coordinator also has the ability to make recommendations to the Court for changes to the parties order and can make minor decisions if parties are unable to agree in certain matters.

A Parenting Coordinator cannot change custody (which parent makes major decisions for a child) but can assist in resolving issues over visitation, disputes in children’s health issues, daycare and education disputes, counseling, behavioral issues, and most importantly improving party communication and co-parenting.

I have been appointed in many PC case in my years of practice and am proud to report a high level of satisfaction reported by parents, attorneys, and Judges in the effectiveness of my assistance and Reports in reducing conflict and litigation.