
We help married and unmarried couples involved in child custody and visitation disputes. We will help you understand your options, including joint or sole custody, and come up with a plan that works for you and your kids.
The court will decide who gets custody of any children born to you and your spouse, even if the children were born before your marriage. Some parties can come to agreements on custody matters and avoid a trial, others may need to go through mediation, where a third person tries to help you come to an agreement.
Shared parenting is another option that works for some divorced parents. This is when the child(ren) spend a relatively equal amount of time with each parent. This can occur when the parents live in close proximity to each other and causes minimal disruption for the child(ren). Some parents have alternating weeks of custody, one week on, one week off. Some parents split the week 3/day 4/day and alternate weeks. The primary consideration is what is in the best interest of the child(ren).
Changes in custody can occur after a divorce decree has been entered. The procedure for this depends on what type of custody order is currently in place. You can visit with an attorney and find out what the criteria is in your particular circumstances. This Modification of Custody order can be done at anytime after the decree is finalized depending on the circumstances necessitating the change.